Backup Form

Credentials for all:
[email protected]

Datto: White iPhone (MS Auth App)
Cove: Search “backup” in Microsoft Authenticator Virtual Machine via TeamViewer

1. Bring up the sites linked above and sign into them. Also bring up separate tabs of N-Able for Total Solutions IT & Enzed Albury
2. Order them as Backup Form > TSIT > Datto > Cove > Enzed (this is the order the form goes, for convenience).
3. For TSIT and Enzed on N-Able, on the left pane scroll down to Configuration > Backup Manager > N-Able Backup > Dashboard. You can now begin recording backups.
4. On N-Able for TSIT, there will be “Failed”, “In Process”, “Completed with Errors”. These will correspond to the sections you can fill on the second page of the backup form. Note down the device names that correspond to the “Backups Completed” status.
5. If any have been grey for a very long time, it extremely likely that these backups are no longer performed. Double check with the team to be certain.